Excellence in Selling

Excellence in Selling

Why customer care?

§ Customers have more choices

§ Silence is not satisfaction!

§ One dissatisfied customer tells 10-20 people

§ High quality is not enough

§ Attracting a new customer costs 5 times the amount of keeping an old one

§ It is much easier to keep a current customer than a new one

§ Customers are more profitable over time

§ Satisfied long-term customers provide free advertising

§ Customer service for competitive advantage

§ Because customer service is main goal of marketing


Sending verbal messages

Effective use of words

i. Characteristics of words

ii. Using effective words

Ø Use positive words instead of negative words.

iii. Painting word pictures

Ø A word picture is a story designed to help the buyer visualize a point.

Voice characteristics

I Speech rate

Ø Salespeople should also vary their speech, depending on the nature of the message and the environment in which communication occurs.

II Loudness

Ø To avoid monotony, sales people should learn to vary the loudness of their speech.

III Inflection

IV Articulation

Ø Articulation refers to the production of recognizable sounds.

Listen to verbal communication from customer

Active listening

i. Repeating information

Ø During a sales interaction, the sales person should verify the information he is collecting from the customer.

ii. Restating or rephrasing information

Ø To verify a customer's intent, sales person should restate the customer's comment in his own words.

iii. Clarifying information

Ø Another way to verify a customer's meaning is to ask questions designed to obtain additional information.

iv. Summarizing the conversation

Ø An important element of the active listening is to mentally summarise points that have been made

v. Tolerating silences

Ø While the customer is thinking, periods of silence occur.

Ø By tolerating silences, sales people give customer a chance to sell themselves.

vi. Concentrating on the ideas being communicated

Ø Frequently what customers say and how they say it, can distract a salesperson frown the ideas the customers are actually trying to communicate.

Reading non-verbal messages from customers

Body language

i. Body angle

ii. Face

iii. Arms

iv. Hands

v. Legs

Detecting customers hidden emotions and feelings

Characteristics of successful salespeople


Dependability and trustworthiness

Ethical sales behaviour

Customer and product knowledge

Communication skills


Emotional intelligence

Are salespeople born or made?

Social Style Matrix

Dimensions of social styles


Ø The degree to which people have opinions about issues and publicly make their position clear to others is called assertiveness.


Ø This is based on how emotional, people tend to get in social situations.

Categories of social styles


Ø “Lets get it done now and get it done my way''

Ø Desire to get ahead.

Ø Swift, efficient decision makers.

Ø Base their decisions on facts, take risks.


Ø Warm, approachable, intuitive and competitive.

Ø Interested in personal relations.

Ø Focus on the future.

Ø Little concern for practical details.

Ø Base their decisions on their personal opinions and the opinions of others.

Ø Act quickly, take risks.


Ø Close relationship and cooperation.

Ø Make decisions slowly.

Ø Aim at avoiding conflict.


Ø Like facts, platters and logic.

Ø Motivation to make the right decision.

Ø Systematically analyze the facts.

Identifying customer's social styles

Social styles and sales presentation

Merchandising and Display


Ø The most important factor is that the product be as prominently displayed as possible.

Ø Those products which are prominent and attract the attention of the consumer are more successful than others.

Ø The well displayed product is a silent salesperson.

Ø A good Display is not only helpful to the company, but to the shopkeeper as well.

Ø The impact of good Display is increase of not just l 0 -1 5% in sales but an increase of over 25% and even up to 50- l 00%.

Where and when to display

Display must be made at a point where it is most visible to the customer

The most visible places usaully are

§ Behind cash counter.

§ Right in front as you enter the shop.

§ A pillar in the middle of the shop.

§ Sometimes a compromise needs to be made between visibility and accessibility to the consumer.

§ The point of Display also depends upon packaging.

§ Display should be done right after the salesman's visit.

Point of sale material

It invites the attention of the consumer towards our project

Ideally it should be

Ø At the entrance

Ø Near the counter

Ø Near the product Stock rotation I

Trade Call

I. Planning

Ø Obtaining pre-call information

Ø Setting call objectives.

Ø Preparing for possible obstacles/opportunities.

Ø Flexibility

Ø Collecting required tools.

Ø Call time.

Ø Additional Planning

II. Approach

Ø Reviewing shopkeeper information.

Ø Observing the shop.

Ø Professional manners

Ø Making a good impression

1. Very first impressions

2. Getting the customer's attention

i. Benefit approach

ii. Product approach

iii. Compliment approach

iv. Question approach

3. Developing rapport

III. Examining stock

Ø Physical count

Ø Availability of all products

Ø Noting the quality of products

Ø Benefits of examining stock

IV. Presentation

This is the step where you convince the shop keeper for the order.

To be able to do that, it is very important to know the need of the shop keeper.

How do we know the need? Through

Ø Observation

Ø Listening

Ø Questions

Once we are sure of the need, we can adopt the following process

Ø Briefly explain the situation

Ø Give our suggestion

Ø Show how our idea can be useful

V. Handling Customer responses

Effective response methods

1. Direct denial

2. Indirect denial

3. Compensation method

4. Feel-felt-found method

5. Boomerang method

6. Postpone method

7. Assessing reactions

VI. Evaluation

Review success/failure after calls

Review promises made

Review any information revealed that can be helpful

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